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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Christie’s Tax Dodge

Christie’s Tax Dodge

Chris Christie repeatedly has said that U.S. corporations are taxed twice on income earned abroad, claiming in one speech that IRS officials “don’t recognize the tax that you paid to a foreign country.” That’s false.

Webb, Santorum Spin Past Campaigns

Webb, Santorum Spin Past Campaigns

Democrat Jim Webb and Republican Rick Santorum got the facts wrong recently when recalling the details of past and present campaigns.

Pataki’s Welfare Whopper

Pataki’s Welfare Whopper

Former Gov. George Pataki gives too much credit to his “conservative policies” for reducing the number of New Yorkers on welfare by 1 million.

Clinton’s ‘Secret’ Email Accounts

Clinton’s ‘Secret’ Email Accounts

The Republican National Committee thinks it has the smoking gun that proves Hillary Clinton used “multiple secret email addresses” as secretary of state. It doesn’t.

O’Malley’s Immigration Exaggeration

O’Malley’s Immigration Exaggeration

Martin O’Malley went too far in claiming that Hillary Clinton wanted to “return refugee children from Central America summarily back to death gangs and the drug gangs.”

Santorum’s Puffery on Iran

Santorum’s Puffery on Iran

Rick Santorum has a history of taking a hard line on Iran, but he engaged in a bit of revisionist history when he regaled South Carolina Republicans with the tale of a Senate battle over an Iran sanctions bill.