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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Playing the Race Card in Louisiana

Playing the Race Card in Louisiana

A radio ad attacks Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy for endorsing “a documentary which claims slavery was better for black folks than welfare.” But the film didn’t make such a claim.

Cotton’s Porous Border Story

Cotton’s Porous Border Story

Rep. Tom Cotton distorted the facts of a 2011 failed terrorist plot to make his case that the U.S. border with Mexico is “open” and “defenseless.”

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

Behind the Rising Deportations of ‘Criminals’

President Obama said “deportations of criminals are up 80 percent.” But an independent analysis found that increase is driven largely by the removal of individuals “whose most serious conviction was an immigration or traffic violation.”

Rick Perry’s Talking Point on Defense Cuts

Rick Perry’s Talking Point on Defense Cuts

Rick Perry says the U.S. is at risk because “our spending on defense has declined 21 percent over four years.” But that includes war funding, which has sharply declined now that U.S. combat troops are out of Iraq and leaving Afghanistan.

Boehner’s ‘Bipartisan’ Bunk

Boehner’s ‘Bipartisan’ Bunk

House Speaker John Boehner exaggerates when he says “almost all” of the 46 “jobs bills” awaiting action in the Senate “passed the House on a bipartisan basis.” Exactly half of those bills got less than 20 Democratic votes, including two that got no votes.