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2014 Campaign Whoppers

2014 Campaign Whoppers

No shortage of tall tales in the midterm elections, from both parties.

A ‘Willie Horton’ Ad in Nebraska

A ‘Willie Horton’ Ad in Nebraska

Every now and then we see a powerful attack ad that is factually accurate, but makes such a strong appeal to fear that we urge viewers to pause to consider all the facts. That’s the case in Nebraska.

A ‘Whopper’ in Arkansas Debate?

A ‘Whopper’ in Arkansas Debate?

At an Oct. 13 Arkansas Senate debate, Rep. Tom Cotton claimed that Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor “voted for every one of Barack Obama’s tax increases.” Pryor called this a “whopper,” and countered that he “voted against every budget that President Obama has offered.” We find that both are not telling the whole story.

What We Were Told About Ebola

What We Were Told About Ebola

Sen. John McCain claimed on a Sunday talk show that “we were told there would never be a case of Ebola in the United States.” Not exactly.

Begich’s Bogus Tax Boast

Begich’s Bogus Tax Boast

Sen. Mark Begich makes the bogus claim in two ads that he “voted against President Obama’s trillion-dollar tax increase.” He voted against a GOP resolution that set forth Obama’s spending levels for fiscal year 2013 but without the president’s policy language.