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FactChecking the Arkansas Senate Race

FactChecking the Arkansas Senate Race

The Arkansas Senate race between Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor and Republican Rep. Tom Cotton began for us in June 2013 — just six months into the new Congress — with an article that carried the headline “It’s Groundhog Day for Fact-Checkers.” It hasn’t gotten much better for fact-checkers since then.

‘Jackpot’ Ad Is a Loser

‘Jackpot’ Ad Is a Loser

A new TV ad from a conservative group attacks Rep. Gary Peters’ record as Michigan Lottery commissioner. It’s called “Jackpot,” but there are no winners when the facts are this badly distorted.

Alaska’s Pension Fight

Alaska’s Pension Fight

The Alaska Senate candidates exaggerate the impact of a $500 million settlement that Republican Dan Sullivan reached as state attorney general in 2010.

Doubling Down in West Virginia

Doubling Down in West Virginia

Rep. Nick Rahall’s latest TV ad doubles down on the deceptive claim that Republican Evan Jenkins has pledged to “take away” black lung benefits from coal miners.

NEA Advocacy Fund

A super PAC created in 2010 by the National Education Association, which describes itself as an “advocate for education professionals.”

Obama Fumbles ‘JV Team’ Question

Obama Fumbles ‘JV Team’ Question

President Obama enjoys his sports analogies, so let’s just say that he fumbled when he was asked whether he made a “misjudgment” eight months ago in dismissing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria as the equivalent of “a jayvee team.”