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Misleading Michigan GOP Primary Voters

Misleading Michigan GOP Primary Voters

The Republican candidates in Michigan’s 4th Congressional District entered the final weeks of the primary trading misleading claims in TV ads that rely on deceptive tactics to distort the facts.

Exaggerated Claims of ‘Corporate Welfare’

Exaggerated Claims of ‘Corporate Welfare’

Rep. Justin Amash and Club for Growth Action make false and distorted claims in TV ads that attack Amash’s Republican primary opponent, Brian Ellis, for wasting taxpayer money on “corporate welfare.”

Jack Kingston’s Summer Re-Run

Jack Kingston’s Summer Re-Run

Rep. Jack Kingston repackages several deceptive claims about his opponent’s business record in a new TV ad that has all the charm of a summer re-run.

Misassigning Blame for Immigration Crisis

Misassigning Blame for Immigration Crisis

A TV ad falsely claims Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander is “responsible” for a surge of “illegal aliens” who are “overrunning our border” because he voted for “amnesty.”

Editing Out the Facts in Alabama

Editing Out the Facts in Alabama

In a Republican primary runoff in Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, Paul DeMarco’s TV ad leaves the false impression that Gary Palmer supported a $1.2 billion tax plan.