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Mudslinging in Arkansas Judicial Race

Mudslinging in Arkansas Judicial Race

An outside group with a history of running dubious ads in judicial races claims Tim Cullen, a candidate for the Arkansas Supreme Court, argued in a legal brief “that child pornography was a ‘victimless crime.’ ” Not exactly.

Tom Corbett’s Tall Story

Tom Corbett’s Tall Story

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett compares his record on taxes and jobs with that of Democratic challenger Tom Wolf in a new TV ad called “Toy Story.” It should be called “Tall Story” for its multiple deceptions.

Stretching the Facts in Idaho

Stretching the Facts in Idaho

A hard-hitting TV ad from Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho goes a little too far in its attacks on challenger Bryan Smith’s debt collection business.

Lowest Unemployment Rate in the Midwest?

Lowest Unemployment Rate in the Midwest?

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence says his state has “the lowest unemployment rate in the Midwest.” But that depends on the definition of “Midwest.”

Inventing a ‘Pelosi Republican’ in N.Y.

Inventing a ‘Pelosi Republican’ in N.Y.

There may be nothing more damning in a Republican primary than labeling your opponent a “Pelosi Republican.” That’s what Lee Zeldin does in a TV ad attacking his opponent, George Demos, in New York’s 1st Congressional District. But this is a case of mislabeling.