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Misleading Anti-Obamacare Ad in Michigan

Misleading Anti-Obamacare Ad in Michigan

Americans for Prosperity’s latest anecdotal TV ad attacking the Affordable Care Act features a Michigan mom who says her family’s “new plan is not affordable at all” and that the law is “destroying the middle class.”

How Many ‘Lost Jobs’ in Illinois?

How Many ‘Lost Jobs’ in Illinois?

Republican Bruce Rauner claims in a new Spanish-language TV ad that Illinois has lost 90,000 jobs in five years under Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. Illinois has lost 3,400 jobs in five years — not 90,000 — by the standard definition of “jobs.”

Bogus Attack in Coal Mine Country

Bogus Attack in Coal Mine Country

A TV ad in West Virginia’s 3rd District falsely claims that Republican Evan Jenkins “vowed to repeal black lung benefits.” Jenkins vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, not end black lung benefits.

Misleading Abortion Attack in Michigan

Misleading Abortion Attack in Michigan

A TV ad in a Michigan primary says Republican Rep. Justin Amash “voted to allow gender-selection abortions.” But the ad ignores Amash’s anti-abortion position and his reasons for voting against this particular bill.

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

Sarah Palin told her fellow conservatives at CPAC that “there are more uninsured today than when Obama began all of this,” referring to the Affordable Care Act. But there is no evidence of that.