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FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

FactChecking Sarah Palin at CPAC

Sarah Palin told her fellow conservatives at CPAC that “there are more uninsured today than when Obama began all of this,” referring to the Affordable Care Act. But there is no evidence of that.

Distortions in Mississippi GOP Primary

Distortions in Mississippi GOP Primary

A super PAC supporting Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran is trying to turn the tables on his tea-party-backed challenger in the GOP primary.

Independence USA

A left-leaning super PAC founded and financed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Paul’s ‘Head-Scratching’ Stats

Paul’s ‘Head-Scratching’ Stats

Sen. Rand Paul was wrong when he said that 60 percent of law students and 55 percent of medical students are women, and he repeated a myth that “nine out of 10 businesses fail.”