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IRS Officials Misled Congress, Public

IRS officials gave false or misleading information on numerous occasions regarding its now discredited practice of targeting conservative groups that sought nonprofit status.

Joe Biden’s Productivity Piffle

Joe Biden’s Productivity Piffle

Vice President Joe Biden falsely claimed that U.S. workers “are three times as productive as any worker in the world.” He’s not even close. By the standard measure for productivity, American workers ranked third in the world behind Norway and Ireland in 2011.

Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim

Jeb Bush’s Jobs Claim

In touting conservative policies in Republican-controlled states, Jeb Bush claimed, “The Southeast is leading a renaissance in American manufacturing.” Not so. The Midwest has experienced a 9 percent increase in manufacturing jobs since the sector began its recovery in February 2010.

Democrats Distort Vote on Climate Change

Democrats Distort Vote on Climate Change

A Democratic video says 240 House members “voted in 2011 that climate change was a ‘hoax.’ ” Not exactly. The 2011 vote was ultimately a referendum on who should set climate change policy — the Environmental Protection Agency or Congress. It was not a vote on whether climate change is a “hoax.”

Lindsey Graham’s ‘Enemy Combatant’ Exaggeration

Lindsey Graham’s ‘Enemy Combatant’ Exaggeration

Sen. Lindsey Graham exaggerated when he claimed “all the information” that led to the capture of Osama bin Laden came from “enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay.” Detainees provided “key information” about bin Laden’s “courier network,” but “other sources” provided “other intelligence” that ultimately led to his capture and death, intelligence officials have said.

Biden Revises NRA History on Background Checks

Biden Revises NRA History on Background Checks

Vice President Joe Biden exaggerates when he waxes nostalgic about the “good old days” — a time when “everybody, including the NRA, thought background checks made sense.” Biden’s office says he was referring to the NRA’s support for background checks in the early 1990s and its stated support for expanding background checks to include gun shows in 1999.

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NRCC’s Sneak Preview of 2014

NRCC’s Sneak Preview of 2014

In a sneak preview of the 2014 campaign, a GOP ad in North Carolina says Rep. Mike McIntyre “voted to spend $1.8 trillion on Obamacare” and “keep Obamacare’s taxes.” Spoiler alert: The ad is misleading.