We wrote about a lot of misinformation in 2024, and, as usual, some fact-checking articles piqued our readers’ interest more than others. In this post, we present the 10 most popular stories published on our website this past year.
Stories by FactCheck.org
Misinformation Floods Hurricane Season
United Democracy Project
A super PAC launched by the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC.
Democracy PAC/Democracy PAC II
Liberal super PACs created by billionaire George Soros to fund political organizations that help elect Democrats.
Senate Majority PAC
A super PAC with a singular “mission” to help Democrats “win Senate races.”
Video: FactChecking the Harris-Trump Debate
FactCheck.org Featured on NBC10, Telemundo62
League of Conservation Voters
A pro-environment nonprofit with an affiliated PAC and super PAC.
American Bridge 21st Century/AB PAC
A liberal hybrid PAC that conducts opposition research to aid Democratic candidates and organizations.