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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Clinton on White Middle-Aged Americans

Clinton on White Middle-Aged Americans

The latest video in our fact-checking collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper is on Hillary Clinton’s claim that a recent study showed “white middle-aged Americans without a high school education … are dying earlier than their parents and their grandparents.”

FactChecking the MSNBC Democratic Forum

FactChecking the MSNBC Democratic Forum

The Democratic presidential candidates were interviewed by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in a Nov. 6 forum. And they stretched the facts on a few topics.

Video: Carson on ‘Extreme Bias’

Video: Carson on ‘Extreme Bias’

This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper gives the full account of an incident Ben Carson has described as an example of “extreme political bias” on college campuses.

Carson, Trump at the Debate

Carson, Trump at the Debate

The big issue this week was the Republican presidential debates in Boulder, Colorado, and that’s the topic of the latest installment of our weekly fact-checking collaboration with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

FactChecking the CNBC Debates

Republicans make false and misleading claims on jobs, taxes and entitlements in economic-focused debates.

Did Biden Revise History on Bin Laden?

Did Biden Revise History on Bin Laden?

In this week’s collaboration with FactCheck.org, CNN’s Jake Tapper discusses a new narrative Vice President Biden provided recently: that he told President Obama privately in 2011 that he should go ahead with the mission that ended up killing Osama bin Laden.