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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Mailbag: Debate FactChecking

Readers sent us letters about our coverage of the second Republican presidential debate on Sept. 16.

Hillary Clinton’s Emails

Hillary Clinton’s Emails

This week, “State of the Union” anchor Jake Tapper discusses Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s recent claim that “people in the government knew that I was using a personal account.”

Donald Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Claim

Donald Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Claim

In the first video for CNN’s “State of the Union” and FactCheck.org’s new partnership, Jake Tapper discusses statements Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made about birthright citizenship.

Mailbag: A Hedge Fund Manager’s Perspective

This week, a reader sent us a letter about the tax rates paid by hedge fund managers.
In the FactCheck Mailbag, we feature some of the email we receive. Readers can send comments to editor@factcheck.org. Letters may be edited for length.
 ‘Carried Interest Argument Is Moot’
Recently you posted an article checking the facts on Bernie Sanders’ statements regarding effective tax rates for hedge fund managers versus firemen, truck drivers, etc. [“Hedge Fund Managers’

Mailbag: Planned Parenthood Videos

This week, readers sent us letters about videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing fetal tissue donation, as well as a note of thanks.