Despite 17.5 miles of corridors it takes only seven minutes to walk between any two points in the Pentagon.
Source: The Pentagon
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May 18, 2009
In 2007, nearly four in ten (39.7 percent) of all births were to unmarried women, more than double the proportion in 1980 (18.4 percent).
Source: National Center for Health Statistics
May 17, 2009
From the 1990 Census to the 2000 Census, the percentage of Americans who said they worked from home went up 0.3 percent.
Source: Census Bureau
May 16, 2009
From the 1990 Census to the 2000 Census, there was little change in the transportation Americans used to get to work: The percentage who drove alone went up 2.5 percent, and those using public transportation went down 0.5 percent.
Source: Census Bureau
May 15, 2009
Cherrapunji Assam, India, has amassed several world records for precipitation. In two years, 1860 and 1861, it recorded 1,605.05 inches.
Source: NOAA
May 14, 2009
The world record for the amount of rain to fall in 1 minute is 1.5 inches in Barot Guadeloupe, West Indies, on Nov. 26, 1970.
Source: NOAA
May 13, 2009
The most precipitation to fall in one year in the U.S. is 739 inches, which was recorded in Kukui on the Hawaiian island of Kauai from December 1981 to December 1982.
Source: NOAA’s National Weather Service
May 12, 2009
On July 16, 1914, a U.S. record of 7 inches of rain in 30 minutes fell in Cambridge, Ohio.
Source: NOAA’s National Weather Service
May 11, 2009
In 2007, California exported about 214.5 million pounds of fresh strawberries and 31.9 million pounds of frozen strawberries, with the majority going to Canada.
Source: California Strawberry Commission
May 10, 2009
Last year, 16.1 percent of U.S. imports came from China, and 16 percent came from Canada.
Source: Census Bureau