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Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Posts Falsely Push Bill Gates-Connected ‘Air’ Vaccine Conspiracy

Inhalable or spray versions of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are still in development and don’t have regulatory approval. Posts online are distorting recent research from Yale University to falsely claim that governments have approved such products to mass vaccinate people without their consent in a plot involving Bill Gates.

Ramaswamy’s Climate Change Spin

Ramaswamy’s Climate Change Spin

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, a self-professed “unapologetic proponent of greater use of fossil fuels,” has repeatedly cited false or misleading statistics to downplay the risks of climate change.

FactChecking Trump’s Interview with Carlson

FactChecking Trump’s Interview with Carlson

In lieu of joining his fellow Republican presidential candidates in the Aug. 23 debate, former President Donald Trump granted an interview to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson — who posted it to X minutes before the debate began. Trump made several familiar false and misleading claims.

High Winds, Drought Conditions Led to Maui Fires, No Evidence Intentionally Set

High Winds, Drought Conditions Led to Maui Fires, No Evidence Intentionally Set

It’s not known what sparked the wildfires in Maui, although some evidence points to downed power lines. The conditions were ripe for fire, as large amounts of invasive grasses were dry due to drought and high winds helped to rapidly spread flames. Bogus posts on social media, however, are baselessly claiming the fires were intentionally set.