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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Tugging At Heartstrings With Loose Facts

Democrat Chris Murphy’s ad falsely implies that incumbent Republican Rep. Nancy Johnson failed to respond to a local resident’s pleas for help with her son’s medical problems.

Distortions in the Desert

Democratic challenger Jim Pederson inaccurately portrays incumbent Sen. Jon Kyl’s voting record on energy policy. He says Kyl “voted oil corporations billions in special tax breaks” when in fact Kyl was one of the few Republicans to oppose tax breaks in the recent energy bill.

Chamber of Commerce: Credit Where It’s Not Due

The Chamber of Commerce aired an ad to support 20 members of Congress for having “supported the Medicare Part D law, giving seniors a quality drug plan.” But four members were mistakenly included.

Fake News, Nebraska Style

In his most recent ad, we find that Republican Senate candidate Pete Ricketts inaccurately uses citations from news reports to draw his own, more incendiary conclusions.

A False Ad in Georgia

A Democratic candidate for governor accuses a primary opponent of voting against a popular measure … before she was even elected to the legislature.