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Debunking Trump’s Latest Arizona Election Claims

Debunking Trump’s Latest Arizona Election Claims

After a contractor hired by state Senate Republicans to look into the results of the 2020 Arizona election provided an update on its findings at a legislative hearing on July 15, former President Donald Trump issued a series of false and misleading statements about what it has uncovered.

No New Revelation on Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19

No New Revelation on Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19

Randomized controlled trials — the highest standard of evidence — have found that hydroxychloroquine isn’t beneficial in treating hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Yet social media posts are claiming the drug works, and conservative outlets have touted an unpublished, and much-criticized, observational study as evidence of the drug’s effectiveness.

Viral Posts, Pundits Distort Fauci Emails

Viral Posts, Pundits Distort Fauci Emails

Thousands of pages of redacted emails to and from Dr. Anthony Fauci are now publicly available, thanks to journalists’ Freedom of Information Act requests. Some of those messages have been distorted in viral posts, particularly about face masks, the origins of the coronavirus and the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

The Wuhan Lab and the Gain-of-Function Disagreement

The Wuhan Lab and the Gain-of-Function Disagreement

A disagreement between Republican Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci has put $600,000 of U.S. grant money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology back into the spotlight, while making “gain-of-function” research a household term — all amid calls for more investigation into the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

So Far, Vaccines Remain Effective Against Variants

So Far, Vaccines Remain Effective Against Variants

So far, COVID-19 vaccines have been effective against variants of the coronavirus. Scientists are monitoring the situation carefully, with updated or new vaccines a possibility in the future, if need be.

Biden’s Missteps on Gun Policies

Biden’s Missteps on Gun Policies

In outlining steps his administration would take on gun regulations, President Joe Biden misstated the facts on three existing policies.

MLB All-Star Lineup: Colorado vs. Georgia

MLB All-Star Lineup: Colorado vs. Georgia

After pulling its All-Star game out of Georgia because of the state’s new voting law, Major League Baseball picked Colorado for its summer classic — setting off an error-filled debate over which state has more restrictive voting laws.

FactChecking Claims About the Georgia Voting Law

FactChecking Claims About the Georgia Voting Law

A new voting law in Georgia has sparked a rebuke from Major League Baseball and political spin from both parties. We’ll fact-check claims from President Joe Biden and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp.