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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall

We spotted a few instances in President Joe Biden’s televised town hall when his answers didn’t square with the facts.

PhRMA Ad Misleads on Medicare Drug Negotiation Legislation

PhRMA Ad Misleads on Medicare Drug Negotiation Legislation

In TV ads, the pharmaceutical industry claims congressional plans to allow the federal government to negotiate drug prices in Medicare would deny beneficiaries’ access to medicines their doctors prescribe. Experts say that’s unlikely, and an inaccurate portrayal of recent legislation.

Debt Limit Q&A

Debt Limit Q&A

Democrats and Republicans are once again in a standoff over a looming debt limit crisis. Congress must raise or suspend the limit on federal borrowing soon or the U.S. government won’t be able to pay its bills. Here we provide the facts on the political dispute.

Q&A on Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine-or-Test Rule

Q&A on Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine-or-Test Rule

Here we answer some questions about President Joe Biden’s plan to impose an emergency rule for businesses with 100 or more employees that would require workers to be fully vaccinated or be tested at least once a week.

How Many Americans and Allies Are Left in Afghanistan?

How Many Americans and Allies Are Left in Afghanistan?

On Aug. 18, President Joe Biden said if there were U.S. citizens left in Afghanistan on Aug. 31 who wanted to leave, “we’re gonna stay to get them all out.” But that’s not what happened when the last U.S. soldier departed the country.

Biden Leaves Misleading Impression on U.S. Debt

Biden Leaves Misleading Impression on U.S. Debt

In promoting his own spending priorities, President Joe Biden blamed his predecessor’s “unpaid tax cuts and other spending” for increasing the national debt by nearly $8 trillion over four years. The total debt figure is correct, but trillions of that were due to bipartisan coronavirus relief packages.

Indiana Doctor Piles On Bogus COVID-19 Claims in Viral Video

Indiana Doctor Piles On Bogus COVID-19 Claims in Viral Video

In a viral video, an Indiana physician baselessly claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines, which have been shown to be safe and effective, “fight the virus wrong and let the virus become worse than it would with native infection.” He also incorrectly said no vaccine prevents infection and contended that people previously infected with COVID-19 do not benefit from vaccination, despite studies that suggest otherwise.