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Trump Spins Quotes by/About Biden

Trump Spins Quotes by/About Biden

In campaign rallies in Nevada, President Donald Trump twisted remarks made by Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and gave a disputed description of comments by Biden’s former chief of staff.

FactChecking Trump’s Fox News Interview

FactChecking Trump’s Fox News Interview

In an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that aired over two days, President Donald Trump made several false, misleading and unsubstantiated claims.

Biden Misleads on Preexisting Conditions

Biden Misleads on Preexisting Conditions

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden claimed President Trump’s effort in court to nullify the Affordable Care Act would “take 100 million people with preexisting conditions and move them in a direction where they can’t get coverage.” They wouldn’t all lose coverage, as the claim suggests, barring highly unlikely circumstances.

Republican Convention Night 3

Republican Convention Night 3

The vice president accepted his party’s nomination and then delivered a speech filled with false and misleading claims..

Republican Convention Night 2

Republican Convention Night 2

The fact-checking fodder included claims about the economy, the Democratic nominee and the president’s actions. 

Republican Convention Opening Night

Republican Convention Opening Night

On Day 1, Republicans made numerous false and misleading claims on tax cuts, the economy, immigration and COVID-19, among other topics.

Trump’s Talking Points

Trump’s Talking Points

A compendium of the president’s falsehoods and factual distortions that may be repeated during the convention.

Democratic Convention Night 3

Democratic Convention Night 3

There was news: Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic vice presidential nomination. But there was little to fact-check.