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Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

Bogus Voter Fraud Claims

With votes continuing to be counted in very close elections in Florida, Georgia and Arizona, President Donald Trump and some other Republicans have been crying foul, making false and misleading claims of supposed election fraud perpetrated by Democrats in an attempt to “steal” the elections.

The President’s Tax Returns

The President’s Tax Returns

After Democrats gained control of the House in the midterm elections, President Donald Trump repeated his long-running statement that he wouldn’t release his tax returns because they were under audit, making false claims in the process.

Democratic Closing Ads: Health Care and Taxes

Democratic Closing Ads: Health Care and Taxes

In the past week, many Democratic ads across the country have focused on health care and taxes, campaign-long themes for the party’s candidates. Some of the ads have used familiar, and misleading, talking points.

Trump Stump Speeches: Health Care

Trump Stump Speeches: Health Care

President Donald Trump has made health care — in particular a “Medicare for All” plan proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders — a main theme in his campaign rallies across the country.

Trump’s ‘Greatest Idea’ for a 2014 Law

Trump’s ‘Greatest Idea’ for a 2014 Law

In his midterm campaign rallies, President Donald Trump has repeatedly made the preposterous claim that he came up with “the greatest idea” for “veterans choice” — a program that was launched in 2014 during the Obama administration. He also claimed it took “44 years” to get the legislation passed.

Misleading Ads from the DCCC

Misleading Ads from the DCCC

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is airing ads across the country to boost Democrats’ chances of taking control of the House. But we found several ads that ran afoul of the facts.

Misleading Ads from Leading GOP PAC

Misleading Ads from Leading GOP PAC

Congressional Leadership Fund, the highest-spending super PAC seeking to sway House races in the upcoming midterms, has been flooding TV airwaves around the country with ads attacking Democrats running in close races. But we found that some of those ads are misleading.

FactChecking Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

FactChecking Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed

In an op-ed for USA Today, President Donald Trump made a series of false and misleading statements about Medicare and health insurance in general.

Health Care Spin in Tennessee

Health Care Spin in Tennessee

A Democratic TV ad in the Tennessee Senate race spins the facts on votes that Rep. Marsha Blackburn cast on health care.