Democrats claim Attorney General William Barr misled Congress last month when asked if he was aware of concerns that special counsel Robert S. Mueller’s team may have had with his March 24 memo summarizing the Mueller report. We’ll lay out the facts on the matter.
Stories by Lori Robertson
Biden’s Campaign Kickoff Claims
Video: Kushner Downplays Russia’s 2016 Actions
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Giuliani’s Obstruction Distortions
What the Mueller Report Says About Obstruction
Trump Wrong on Mexico’s Migrant Apprehensions
In fiscal year 2018, Mexico apprehended 110,000 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, and over the previous four fiscal years the total was more than 500,000. Yet, President Donald Trump said that for the “first time” in “decades” Mexico “has been starting to apprehend a lot of people at their southern border coming in” from those countries.