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The Facts on Medicare Part B Policy Change

The Facts on Medicare Part B Policy Change

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar has described a new policy as “unleashing our Medicare Advantage plans to negotiate discounting on $12 billion of drugs.” Some patient advocacy groups have described the policy as one that “could erect barriers to care for cancer” and put “insurers in control of treatment decisions.” We’ll explain what the new policy entails.

Cohen Plea Deal Exposes Repeated False Claims

Cohen Plea Deal Exposes Repeated False Claims

For many months, President Donald Trump, his White House staff and his personal attorneys, Michael Cohen and Rudy Giuliani, repeatedly made false, misleading and contradictory statements about illegal payments that were made during the 2016 campaign to silence two women who claimed to have extramarital affairs with Trump.

A Rally Filled with Repeats

A Rally Filled with Repeats

Trump’s August speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was packed with familiar factual distortions.

Video: Tax Cut Claims

Video: Tax Cut Claims

In this fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines false and misleading claims made on the Sunday political talk shows by Larry Kudlow, the chief economic adviser to the president, about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 

Trump Jumps the Gun (Again) on Health Plans

Trump Jumps the Gun (Again) on Health Plans

President Donald Trump touted “record business” for new health insurance plans under a federal rule that hasn’t yet gone into effect. In fact, since at least December 2017, he has periodically, and prematurely, boasted that “millions” of people are already signing up for these association health plans.

FactChecking Russian President Putin

FactChecking Russian President Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin made several false and misleading claims during his press conference in Finland with President Donald Trump and in an interview with Fox News.

Trump’s Remarks on Putin and the Russia Investigation

Trump’s Remarks on Putin and the Russia Investigation

Asked whether he believed U.S. intelligence agencies or Russian President Vladimir Putin on whether Russia meddled in the 2016 election, President Donald Trump declined to directly respond. Instead, he raised questions about the Russia investigation.

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

Kavanaugh and the Preexisting Conditions Debate

An ad from a Democratic group warned that the president’s Supreme Court nominee could eliminate preexisting condition protections under the Affordable Care Act, a move that “would take us back to a time when insurance companies could deny you coverage.” But that depends on who “you” are.

Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’ Doesn’t Affect All Muslims

Trump’s ‘Travel Ban’ Doesn’t Affect All Muslims

Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison tweeted that the Supreme Court “ratified Donald Trump’s ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims entry into the United States.” That is a Trump quote from the presidential campaign. But his actual executive actions didn’t go that far.

Illegal Immigration Statistics

Illegal Immigration Statistics

Much of the political rhetoric in recent weeks has focused on illegal immigration. We thought it would be helpful to take a step back and look at some measures of illegal immigration in a larger context.