Republican plans to eliminate or modify federal tax deductions for state and local taxes have sparked criticism from lawmakers from states that would be largely affected. Who uses the deduction and how would changing it affect them? We’ll take a look at the facts.
Stories by Lori Robertson
GOP, Democrats Spin Tax Plan
Largest Tax Cut in History?
False Statements on Russia
Trump Misleads on Insurer Profits
Trump Exaggerates ‘Small-Business’ Tax Cuts
A Tax Hike or Benefit for the ‘Middle Class’?
Democrats Overstate Trump Tax Plan Effects
The Preexisting Conditions Debate, Again
Republicans and Democrats are making competing claims on whether the latest GOP effort to repeal the ACA continues to protect those with preexisting medical conditions. Under the Graham-Cassidy bill, insurers couldn’t refuse to sell policies, but they could price plans based on health status in states that allowed it.