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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech

FactChecking Trump’s CPAC Speech

President Donald Trump made a triumphant return to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, where he made a lot of the same false and misleading claims we’ve been fact-checking for months.

Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime

Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime

Swedish authorities and criminologists say President Donald Trump is exaggerating crime in Sweden as a result of its liberal policy of accepting refugees from Syria and other Middle Eastern countries.

Groundhog Friday

Groundhog Friday

It’s a health care edition of Groundhog Friday, featuring repeated claims from Sens. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz.

Trump’s Bogus Terrorist Claim

Trump’s Bogus Terrorist Claim

At a military base in Florida, President Donald Trump complained that “radical Islamic” terrorist attacks are “not even being reported” by the “very, very dishonest press.” That’s nonsense.

Facts on Trump’s Immigration Order

Facts on Trump’s Immigration Order

We answer some questions about President Trump’s immigration order and its impact — updated with the latest legal developments.

Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured

Trump on the ACA and the Uninsured

President Donald Trump wrongly claimed that “nobody ever deducts all the people that have already lost their health insurance” from estimates on how many have gained insurance under the Affordable Care Act, or stand to lose it if the law is repealed.

The Facts on Crowd Size

The Facts on Crowd Size

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed that “alternative facts” were employed by Press Secretary Sean Spicer when he tried to make the case that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

In his inaugural address, President Trump portrayed the United States as a nation in decline. But his rhetoric did not always match reality.

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

FactChecking Trump’s Press Conference

In his first press conference since July, President-elect Donald Trump repeated some false and misleading claims on jobs, health care and his tax returns.

Pelosi Stretches ACA Claims

Pelosi Stretches ACA Claims

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi made some misleading claims this week on the Affordable Care Act.