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Police Shootings Not at a Record Level

Police Shootings Not at a Record Level

Donald Trump wrongly said that “they’re shooting our police at record levels.” The record for police firearm deaths, and deaths of officers overall, in recent decades was set in the 1970s.

Groundhog Friday

This week’s wrap-up of repeated claims includes several we heard during the parties’ national conventions.

Clinton’s Email Falsehood

Clinton’s Email Falsehood

Hillary Clinton wrongly claimed that FBI Director James Comey found her public statements about not sending or receiving classified email on her private server to be “truthful.”

FactCheck.org on BBC World Service

After the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention, FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely discusses Hillary Clinton’s speech on the BBC World Service’s “Newsday.”

Trump’s Press Conference

Trump’s Press Conference

Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements in an hour-long press conference — on Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton’s emails and more.

Clinton, Pence Mislead on Indiana Education

Clinton, Pence Mislead on Indiana Education

Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that the Republican vice presidential nominee, Gov. Mike Pence, “slashed education funding in Indiana.” But Pence claimed he made “record investments in education.” Clinton is wrong, and Pence is misleading.

FactCheck.org on BBC World Service

After the conclusion of the Republican National Convention, FactCheck.org Managing Editor Lori Robertson discusses Donald Trump’s speech on the BBC World Service’s “Newsday.”

GOP Convention, Day 2

GOP Convention, Day 2

The speakers went too far in their claims on guns, Benghazi, coal jobs, Keystone and more.