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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Gun Laws, Deaths and Crimes

Gun Laws, Deaths and Crimes

President Barack Obama says “states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths.” Carly Fiorina says those states have “the highest gun crime rates.” But both imply a causation that’s impossible to prove.

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Stretching Facts on Syrian Refugees

Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson and Scott Walker, who oppose President Obama’s plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees, stretched the facts to support their policy position.

Hedge Fund Managers’ Tax Rates

Hedge Fund Managers’ Tax Rates

Sen. Bernie Sanders says firefighters, police officers, nurses and truck drivers all pay higher effective tax rates than hedge fund managers. That’s accurate for some in those occupations, but it’s not the case across the board.

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

A Decade-Old Democratic Claim

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued a years-long effort by Democrats to link Republicans to the idea of “privatizing” Social Security.

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Rubio’s Shaky ACA Hypothetical

Sen. Marco Rubio described a hypothetical Detroit business owner with 10 employees as facing higher costs under the Affordable Care Act, saying the man was considering moving one employee to part time to “save … a significant amount under Obamacare.”

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Trump’s Immigration Plan

Republican Donald Trump’s immigration plan includes several statements that stray from the facts.

Sanders’ PTSD Statistic

Sanders’ PTSD Statistic

Sometimes politicians are right, but their campaigns can’t prove it. And we do. That’s what happened when we took a look at Sen. Bernie Sanders’ talking point about veterans.

SCOTUS Ruling Fallout

SCOTUS Ruling Fallout

Reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling in the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act was swift — and included comments that strayed from the facts.

Obama’s Health Care Boasts

Obama’s Health Care Boasts

President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act.

FactChecking Perry

FactChecking Perry

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry will once again seek the presidency. Our file on Perry includes items on immigration, jobs, taxes, the environment and government regulation.