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FactChecking Graham

FactChecking Graham

Sen. Lindsey Graham has joined the field of candidates vying for the Republican presidential nomination. Graham, who has served in Congress for more than 20 years, made the announcement today in his home state of South Carolina.

Mammography and the ACA, Redux

Mammography and the ACA, Redux

Get ready for another round of misleading claims about the government interfering with women’s ability to get mammograms.

Fiorina’s Selective Record at HP

Fiorina’s Selective Record at HP

Carly Fiorina uses different time frames to boost her record at HP when she says “we doubled the size of the company” and “took the growth rate from 2 percent to 9 percent.”

Fiorina Misleads on Student Loans

Fiorina Misleads on Student Loans

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina gave a misleading description of the options available for college students who need loans to pay for their education.

FactChecking Hillary Clinton

FactChecking Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton has made it official: She will run for president in the 2016 race. Here’s a look back at some of the claims from Clinton that we’ve fact-checked over the years.

Perry ‘Never’ Raised Taxes?

Perry ‘Never’ Raised Taxes?

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry said he “never raised taxes” in his 14 years as governor of the state. That’s not the case. During his tenure, he increased taxes on businesses, cigarettes, fireworks, diesel equipment and insurance.

King v. Burwell Fallout

King v. Burwell Fallout

Q: How many people would become uninsured if the U.S. Supreme Court rules against the administration in King v. Burwell?
A: Two independent analyses put the figure at about 8 million, but that’s only an estimate.

Biden Resurrects Bogus Talking Points

Biden Resurrects Bogus Talking Points

Vice President Joe Biden resurrected years-old, Democratic talking points on the Affordable Care Act and U.S. oil production during a recent speech in New Hampshire.

Moving the Goalposts

Moving the Goalposts

President Obama says the Affordable Care Act is working “a little bit better than we anticipated,” based on the 11.4 million people who signed up for insurance on the exchanges. That’s better than the administration anticipated, but worse than a CBO projection.

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama

Slower Premium Growth Under Obama

Republicans say the average family health insurance premium has increased by $4,154 under President Obama. That’s right — and it’s a much slower rate of growth than under President George W. Bush.