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Clinton’s Vermont Gun Stat

Clinton’s Vermont Gun Stat

Hillary Clinton claimed that Vermont was the source of the “highest per capita” number of guns that come from out of state and were “used in crimes and violence and killings in New York.” As we are fond of saying, one statistic rarely tells the entire story.

U.S. Foreign Military Support

U.S. Foreign Military Support

Republican Donald Trump criticized U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany and South Korea, saying “we can’t afford it.” We’ll answer the question: What exactly does the U.S. provide in terms of military support to these countries?

Trump’s False Accusation

Trump’s False Accusation

Donald Trump has accused Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign of buying the rights to a racy photo of Trump’s wife, Melania, and giving the photo to a super PAC that used it in an ad. But the photographer who took the photo told us no one contacted him to buy the rights.

Cruz Wrong on San Bernardino Shooter

Cruz Wrong on San Bernardino Shooter

Sen. Ted Cruz claimed that the woman involved in the San Bernardino, California, shooting had “publicly posted on social media calls to jihad.” There were no such public messages, according to the director of the FBI.

Clinton on Sanders’ Health Care History

Clinton on Sanders’ Health Care History

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton said, “I don’t know where [Bernie Sanders] was when I was trying to get health care in ’93 and ’94.” Sanders cosponsored a single-payer health insurance bill in 1993, and Clinton thanked him for his work on the issue that year.

Sanders’ Corporate Tax Comparison

Sanders’ Corporate Tax Comparison

Sen. Bernie Sanders frequently says corporate income tax receipts have dropped from more than 30 percent of federal revenue in the 1950s to only 11 percent in 2015, leaving the impression that favorable tax policies are the reason. But there are several factors behind that drop.

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

Donald Trump said he “heard” the unemployment rate was really 42 percent. It’s not. That figure would include retirees, teenagers, stay-at-home parents and anyone else who doesn’t need or want to work.

Trump Off-Base on Cruz Loan Rates

Trump Off-Base on Cruz Loan Rates

Donald Trump claimed that the loan rates Sen. Ted Cruz received during his 2012 Senate run were “lower than you could get, lower than anybody could get.” In fact, the evidence shows the interest rates Cruz reported were attainable at the time.

Rubio, Cruz on Reagan and Hostages

Rubio, Cruz on Reagan and Hostages

Sens. Rubio and Cruz have implied that Iran released U.S. hostages in 1981 on the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated because Reagan ushered in a new foreign policy. But several experts on the crisis told us the timing was a final insult to President Jimmy Carter, whom the hostage-takers despised.

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

Clinton’s Attack on Sanders’ Health Plan

The Clinton campaign has made a series of misleading attacks on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ health care plan, saying he wants to “dismantle Medicare” and private insurance and that he would turn over “your and my health insurance to governors.” Not exactly.