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All U.S. Jobs Did Not Go to Immigrants

All U.S. Jobs Did Not Go to Immigrants

Rick Santorum touted a shocking statistic to Iowa voters: Of the “6 million net new jobs created in America” since 2000, “all of them” are held by immigrants. That’s not accurate.

A Tale of Two Jobs Numbers

A Tale of Two Jobs Numbers

Rick Perry, in his last official speech as Texas governor, mixed and matched jobs data to embellish the state’s job gains.

Bachmann’s Immigration Exaggerations

Bachmann’s Immigration Exaggerations

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann wrongly suggested that Obama is granting citizenship and voting privileges to immigrants who are in the country illegally. His executive actions do neither of those.

The ACA-Gruber Connection

The ACA-Gruber Connection

President Obama and Rep. Nancy Pelosi downplayed the contribution of MIT economist Jonathan Gruber to the Affordable Care Act, after controversial comments by Gruber came to light, while Republicans exaggerated his role.

The Great Premium Debate Continues

The Great Premium Debate Continues

Rep. Michele Bachmann wrongly claims that we’re seeing “huge increases” in employer-sponsored plans, while President Obama touts historically low health care inflation, which experts say is mainly due to the slow economy, not the health care law.

Biden’s Boasts

Biden’s Boasts

Vice President Joe Biden went too far in boasts about job growth and deficit reduction.

Crossroads Skips Context in Colorado

Crossroads Skips Context in Colorado

The conservative group Crossroads GPS attacks Colorado Sen. Mark Udall for saying the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant isn’t an “imminent threat” to the United States. The ad leaves off the rest of the senator’s remarks and then cites a news article that actually supports what Udall said.

Student Loan Stretching

Student Loan Stretching

Arkansas Rep. Tom Cotton mischaracterizes the Affordable Care Act’s impact on student loans, and a teachers union stretches Cotton’s voting record on the issue.

The Uninsured in Kentucky

The Uninsured in Kentucky

Sen. Mitch McConnell and Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes disagreed at their Oct. 13 debate on how many Kentuckians had gained health insurance through the state exchange.