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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

‘Millions’ Lost Insurance

‘Millions’ Lost Insurance

Anti-Obamacare ads have claimed that “millions” lost their health insurance and their doctors because of the law. But policyholders weren’t denied coverage, and there’s evidence that far more gained insurance than had their plans canceled.

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA

President Obama went too far in saying the Affordable Care Act meant “everybody” would have “basic health care.” The law doesn’t create a universal health care system, and not everyone will have insurance.

Reid Wrong on AFP Criticism

Reid Wrong on AFP Criticism

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wrongly blamed the conservative group Americans for Prosperity for promoting a “false” story of a woman whose insurance premiums went up $700 per month. AFP didn’t feature that woman’s story in any of its ads.

AFP Distorts Begich’s Carbon Tax Stance

AFP Distorts Begich’s Carbon Tax Stance

The conservative Americans for Prosperity claims Democratic Sen. Mark Begich “is on record supporting a carbon tax … that will cost the average family over $2,000 annually.” Not true.

Old Medicare Claims in Arkansas Senate Race

Old Medicare Claims in Arkansas Senate Race

Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor taps his party’s playbook in attacking Republican challenger Tom Cotton for his support of Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan.

Tim Scott’s Misleading Tax Claims

Tim Scott’s Misleading Tax Claims

Sen. Tim Scott claims that the Affordable Care Act’s taxes of $800 billion hit small businesses and families. But that’s misleading on several levels.

Whistle-blower? Not So Much

Whistle-blower? Not So Much

An ad from a Democratic group claims that Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick “blew the whistle on the disastrous health care website.” But Kirkpatrick didn’t expose any secret wrongdoing.

ACA Hurts ‘Struggling Families’?

ACA Hurts ‘Struggling Families’?

A conservative group is attacking Democratic Rep. Ron Barber of Arizona with an ad that claims the Affordable Care Act “means higher costs for struggling families.”

Reid Overstates Reduction in Uninsured

Reid Overstates Reduction in Uninsured

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid incorrectly claimed that 9 million Americans “have health care that didn’t have it before” because of the Affordable Care Act.

Workers ‘Losing’ Employer Plans?

Workers ‘Losing’ Employer Plans?

Michigan Rep. Fred Upton exaggerated the impact of the Affordable Care Act when he claimed that “perhaps as many as 80 to 90 million Americans with employer-based health care are going to lose their plans” by late this year.