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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Special Interest Battle in Midwest Races

Special Interest Battle in Midwest Races

Two ads from the conservative Crossroads organizations claim Democratic Senate candidates in Iowa and Michigan who oppose the Keystone XL pipeline are backed by an environmental activist who “stands to profit by blocking Keystone.”

Colorado’s Contraception Controversy

Colorado’s Contraception Controversy

Both sides in the Colorado Senate race are misleading voters in TV ads on Republican Rep. Cory Gardner’s proposal to allow the sale of birth control pills over-the-counter.

A Game of Telephone in Colorado

A Game of Telephone in Colorado

A Crossroads GPS ad exaggerates a few personal anecdotes to claim that “many Coloradans pay roughly 100 percent more for health insurance since Obamacare.”

Presidential Vacations

Presidential Vacations

Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?
A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.

More Senior Scare in Arkansas

More Senior Scare in Arkansas

A conservative group’s ad attacking Sen. Mark Pryor shows an image of a senior man while saying Pryor “suggested raising the retirement age” for Social Security. He did — but not for the gentleman pictured.

A Fight Over Birth Control in Colorado

A Fight Over Birth Control in Colorado

A major issue in the Colorado Senate race has been a state ballot initiative on “personhood” and what it could mean for common forms of birth control, including the pill. Neither side is quite telling the whole story.

More Carbon Tax Distortions

More Carbon Tax Distortions

Crossroads GPS claims that Colorado Sen. Mark Udall “voted to enact a carbon tax.” Udall did no such thing. Republican Thom Tillis claims that Sen. Kay Hagan “supported a carbon tax” that would destroy “up to 67,000 jobs in North Carolina over the next ten years.” That’s not accurate, either.

Pork, Served Two Ways, in Iowa

Pork, Served Two Ways, in Iowa

A TV ad from Rep. Bruce Braley says his Republican opponent in the Iowa Senate race “never wrote one measure to slash spending” as a state senator — implying her record is devoid of any effort to cut spending. But that’s not the case.

Twisting Begich’s Response to VA Scandal

Twisting Begich’s Response to VA Scandal

Crossroads GPS misuses a quote from Sen. Mark Begich and conflates two separate management problems at the Veterans Administration to insinuate in a TV ad that Begich doesn’t take the current VA scandal seriously.

Peters’ ‘War’ on Michigan Jobs?

Peters’ ‘War’ on Michigan Jobs?

A Web ad from Republican Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land claims Rep. Gary Peters backed “carbon taxes” that would have “killed up to 96,000 Michigan jobs.” But Peters didn’t support a carbon tax, which has never advanced to a vote in Congress.