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Immigration Group Twists Ryan’s Words

Immigration Group Twists Ryan’s Words

A group that opposes the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration bill claims that Rep. Paul Ryan said “we have a labor shortage in Wisconsin.”

ObamaCare by the Numbers

ObamaCare by the Numbers

The Republican National Committee claims that 8.2 million Americans can’t find full-time jobs “partly due to ObamaCare.” But that figure is the total number of part-time workers in the U.S. seeking full-time work.

King’s ‘Thin Air’ Immigrant Stat

King’s ‘Thin Air’ Immigrant Stat

Rep. Steve King attracted attention — and criticism from Republican leaders — for saying of immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children: “For every one who’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.”

Obama Overhypes Health Savings

Obama Overhypes Health Savings

President Barack Obama presented a glowing but incomplete view of how much Americans can save on premiums thanks to the Affordable Care Act.

Blunt Wrong on Income Verification

Blunt Wrong on Income Verification

Sen. Roy Blunt falsely claimed the Obama administration had “waived the income verification requirement” of the federal health care law.

False Assumptions on the Health Care Law

False Assumptions on the Health Care Law

An ad from a conservative group attacks the health care law by asking misleading and loaded questions about its impact. The ad features a mother named Julie, who asks, “If we can’t pick our own doctor, how do I know my family’s going to get the care they need?”

It’s Groundhog Day for Fact-Checkers

It’s Groundhog Day for Fact-Checkers

Patriot Majority USA, a Democratic political action committee, taps the same old playbook from summer 2012, dredging up all-too-predictable Medicare and health care claims in attacking Arkansas Republican Rep. Tom Cotton, a potential 2014 Senate candidate.

Benghazi Attack, Revisited

Benghazi Attack, Revisited

President Obama says the May 8 House hearing on Benghazi and subsequent reporting about it produced no new information. That’s largely the case, but the president misrepresented some facts at his May 13 press conference in dismissing the House investigation as a “political circus.”

Zuckerberg-backed Group Spins Immigration

Zuckerberg-backed Group Spins Immigration

A group with ties to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg hijacks the credibility of news organizations in a misleading ad that supports a bipartisan immigration overhaul bill. The ad attributes several quotes to media outlets, but the quotes come from opinion pieces written by backers of the immigration bill.