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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

‘Privatizing’ Social Security?

In episode 25, we debunk President Obama’s claim that leading Republicans in Congress want to privatize Social Security. Plus, we look at dueling ads from the Pennsylvania Senate race, and we tackle claims related to the controversy over the Islamic center and mosque in New York.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Obama’s (Latest) Social Security Whopper  Aug. 16
Toomey’s Stimulus Charge Doesn’t Add Up  Aug. 13
DSCC Wrong on Toomey’s Wall St.

Meek Ad Heeds Fact-Checking?

Rep. Kendrick Meek of Florida is out with an ad that rewords an earlier attack on his Senate Democratic primary opponent, Jeff Greene. We had called Meek’s previous ad false for saying Warren Buffett personally criticized Greene. But Meek tweaked the claim in a new ad, and this time he gets pretty close to the truth.

Earlier, Meek’s ads falsely pushed the idea that Warren Buffett said that Greene’s Wall Street dealings were "financial weapons of mass destruction."

Sunday Replay

On this week’s political talk shows, we found false and questionable statements about Rand Paul, unemployment and then-Sen. Obama’s impact on immigration legislation.
Paul Didn’t Go That Far

On CBS’ "Face the Nation," Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine twisted the words of Rand Paul, the Republican nominee for Senate in Kentucky. Kaine claimed that Paul, a tea party member, "says the Civil Rights Act shouldn’t have been passed." That’s not true.
Paul did kick up a controversy when he told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that while he personally did not agree with discriminatory practices,

Minnesota Governor’s Race

In episode 24, we look at how union and corporate money is coming into play in the Minnesota governor’s race. A union- and Democrat-funded group is airing misleading attack ads against GOP candidate Tom Emmer. And in New Mexico, a wildlife group attacks a Republican nominee for the House.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Corporate-Labor Smackdown in Minnesota  Aug. 6
In N.M., Wildlife Group Mislabels Pearce  Aug. 11

Tax Cuts, Medicare and Florida Democrats

In episode 23 of FactCheck Radio, we debunk a Republican talking point on the Bush tax cuts being spread by Sarah Palin and former Sen. Fred Thompson. Plus, we examine actor Andy Griffith’s misleading ad for Medicare, and false charges in the Democratic Senate primary in Florida.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Sunday Replay   Aug. 2
Thompson Wrong on Tax Cuts, Too  Aug. 5
Mayberry Misleads on Medicare  July 31
Democrat-on-Democrat TV Attacks in Florida 

Thompson Wrong on Tax Cuts, Too

First, it was Sarah Palin. Now, it’s former Sen. Fred Thompson. They’re both touting a highly misleading Republican talking point on the expiration of the Bush tax cuts.
Thompson, who ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, warns in a new ad sponsored by the conservative League of American Voters: "Folks, America’s economy is struggling and Congress is about to make it a whole lot worse." He’s talking about the "massive automatic tax increase at the end of this year, when the Bush tax cuts expire,"

Democrat-on-Democrat TV Attacks in Florida

In a Senate race chock full of attack ads, the Florida Democratic primary pits Rep. Kendrick Meek against billionaire investor Jeff Greene. Both men carry heavy political baggage; Meek did favors for a developer who is now under indictment, and Greene …

Arizona and Florida Senate Races, Plus Government Spending

In episode 22 of FactCheck Radio, we look at an ad attacking Sen. John McCain in the Arizona Republican Senate primary, a spot falsely claiming Florida Gov. Charlie Crist supports the new federal health care law, and a whopper of a statement by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Hayworth’s Misleading Attack on Immigration   July 28
Rubio Misfires on Crist’s Health Care Shift  July 29
Geithner’s GDP Whopper 

Context Matters and Mailers Mislead

In episode 21 of FactCheck Radio, we look at the well-known case of USDA employee Shirley Sherrod — an incident that shows, once again, context matters. Plus, we highlight false and misleading claims by President Obama, Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold and his GOP opponent Ron Johnson, and New York Democratic congressional candidate Reshma Saujani.

For more on the stories discussed in this episode, see:
Shirley Sherrod’s Contextual Nightmare   July 21
Obama Wrong on GOP, Small Business Criticism  

Obama Wrong on GOP, Small Business Criticism

In his weekly address, President Obama blasted Republicans for using "procedural tactics to block a simple, up-or-down vote" on loan help for small businesses. But that’s false.
Democrats have proposed no such "simple, up-or-down vote" on the small business benefits alone. What Republicans have blocked are votes on extending unemployment benefits, something Democrats once packaged with one part of Obama’s proposals to benefit small business. (And a number of Republicans say they’re not opposed to extending unemployment insurance benefits —