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Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Gaffe

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Gaffe

President Joe Biden wrongly said that he got student debt forgiveness “passed by a vote or two.” There was no vote. Biden simply announced that the Department of Education would provide debt relief, and the plan is facing a legal challenge.

Johnson Ad Omits Barnes’ Condemnation of Attack on Police

Johnson Ad Omits Barnes’ Condemnation of Attack on Police

In the Wisconsin Senate race, an ad from Republican Sen. Ron Johnson selectively pulls comments made by his opponent, Democrat Mandela Barnes, from an interview days after a deadly attack on police in Dallas. The ad claims Barnes “rationalized violence” against police, but it ignores that Barnes said the killings were “not justified in any way” and that he “denounced” the attack.

Trump’s Faulty ‘Double Standard’ Document Claim

Trump’s Faulty ‘Double Standard’ Document Claim

Former President Donald Trump made a series of faulty comparisons to other past presidents to argue that he was being held to a double standard regarding the FBI’s pursuit of his presidential documents.

Biden’s Comment on Delaware’s Puerto Rican Population

Biden’s Comment on Delaware’s Puerto Rican Population

In Puerto Rico to tour hurricane damage and recovery efforts, President Joe Biden said there was a “large Puerto Rican population in Delaware — relative to our population” and that he was “sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.” Actually, there’s something to the fact that Puerto Ricans, more so than other Spanish-speaking groups, settled in Wilmington. 

Biden’s Misleading Boast on Medicare Premium Drop

Biden’s Misleading Boast on Medicare Premium Drop

President Joe Biden boasted of a decrease in premiums for Medicare Part B as the “first” reduction “in more than a decade.” That’s true. But he neglected to mention the drop follows a large increase the prior year, partly due to anticipated Alzheimer’s drug expenses, which didn’t actually materialize.

Johnson’s False Claim about Barnes’ Tax Plan

Johnson’s False Claim about Barnes’ Tax Plan

Like many Democrats, Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes says he wants to cut “middle-class” taxes and make sure the wealthy “pay their fair share.” But an ad from his opponent, Sen. Ron Johnson, in the race for U.S. Senate falsely tells the state’s voters that Barnes wants to “double your income taxes.”

Biden’s Campaign-Style Distortions

Biden’s Campaign-Style Distortions

As the midterm elections draw near, President Joe Biden has delivered campaign-style speeches that misstated statistics on the COVID-19 pandemic, may leave the wrong impression that police officers were killed during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, and overstated the impact of the Affordable Care Act.

Q&A on Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

Q&A on Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness

The White House announced on Aug. 24 that President Joe Biden will take action this year to cancel thousands of dollars in federal student loan debt for millions of Americans, fulfilling a campaign promise he made during the 2020 election cycle. We answer some of the questions readers may have about the debt relief plan, and address political claims about the impact of the plan.