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Trump Cherry-Picks Law Journal Commentary on his Civil Trial

Trump Cherry-Picks Law Journal Commentary on his Civil Trial

Former President Donald Trump cited an article in the New York Law Journal as evidence that a civil business fraud case against him is a “hoax.” The author of the article argued that dissolution of Trump’s LLCs is not a remedy included in the law, but he also wrote that “the judge was 100% right in holding that the Trump actions were fraudulent” and that Trump ought to face penalties.

Q&A on Looming Government Shutdown

Q&A on Looming Government Shutdown

The federal government is heading to a shutdown, if Congress doesn’t pass funding legislation by the time the clock strikes midnight on Sept. 30. We’ll explain what that means and what government services could be affected.

FactChecking Trump on ‘Meet the Press’

FactChecking Trump on ‘Meet the Press’

Kristen Welker’s first week as the new moderator of NBC’s “Meet the Press” featured an interview with former President Donald Trump, and she was busy trying to push back on his numerous false and misleading statements.

FactChecking McCarthy’s Impeachment Inquiry Claims

FactChecking McCarthy’s Impeachment Inquiry Claims

Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced on Sept. 12 that he would direct the House to open a formal impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. We review specific allegations that McCarthy made and where those allegations fall short of the evidence so far.

Biden Wrongly Claims to Have Visited New York City a Day After 9/11

Biden Wrongly Claims to Have Visited New York City a Day After 9/11

Speaking at a military base in Alaska on the anniversary of 9/11, President Joe Biden wrongly said that he visited ground zero in New York City the day after the attack. Biden first visited the site nine days after terrorists flew planes into the twin towers at the World Trade Center.