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How Many Died as a Result of Capitol Riot?

How Many Died as a Result of Capitol Riot?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol resulted in “almost 10 dead.” Four people died that day, and five others — all law enforcement officers — died days, weeks and even months later. Here we lay out what is publicly known about the circumstances surrounding those deaths.

Biden Spins Facts on Framework

Biden Spins Facts on Framework

In a speech announcing the framework for a pared-down spending plan, President Joe Biden made some questionable claims.

Trump and Son Whitewash Vaccine Willingness Before Biden

Trump and Son Whitewash Vaccine Willingness Before Biden

Former President Donald Trump and his son Eric have been dishing out revisionist history with claims that vaccine hesitancy soared once Biden assumed office and that “people were getting the vaccine in record numbers” until Biden implemented vaccine mandates.

Migrants Not Responsible for Latest COVID-19 Surge

Migrants Not Responsible for Latest COVID-19 Surge

Infectious disease experts say low vaccination rates, resistance to protective measures such as wearing a mask and the highly transmissible delta variant are driving the current surge of COVID-19 cases in the U.S.

Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too

Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too

Rep. Mike Rogers, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said congressional testimony this week showed that President Joe Biden ignored the advice of top generals about what to do in Afghanistan while former President Donald Trump “did listen to it.” That’s not entirely accurate.

Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan Advice

Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan Advice

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley and Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, commander of U.S. Central Command, contradicted President Joe Biden’s claim last month that top military advisers didn’t recommend keeping a residual force in Afghanistan. 

Ads Distort How Much Biden’s Tax Plans Could Cost ‘Your Family’

Ads Distort How Much Biden’s Tax Plans Could Cost ‘Your Family’

The 2022 budget proposed by President Joe Biden would redistribute income, hitting high-income earners with tax increases and providing refundable tax credits to low- and middle-income Americans. Ads from the conservative Club for Growth targeting nine vulnerable Democrats and one centrist Republican in the House, however, distort the impact of the Biden plan on taxpayers.

No One Pushed ‘Button’ to Prevent Biden from Speaking

No One Pushed ‘Button’ to Prevent Biden from Speaking

There was nothing unusual about the end of a routine press “pool spray” before a private meeting between fire officials and President Joe Biden in Idaho. But conservatives have falsely claimed the video shows someone cut off Biden’s microphone, for fear he was veering off-script.