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How Old Claims Compare to IG Report

How Old Claims Compare to IG Report

We take a look at how past claims made by Trump stack up to the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General report on the FBI’s investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump campaign were coordinating with Russia’s election interference.

Republicans Cherry-Pick Facts on Impeachment

Republicans Cherry-Pick Facts on Impeachment

As the House Judiciary Committee began public hearings on whether to draft and approve articles of impeachment, Republicans presented a set of facts that they claimed cleared President Donald Trump of any wrongdoing, providing an incomplete picture on what congressional testimony has revealed.

Zelensky’s Remarks About Trump, In Context

Zelensky’s Remarks About Trump, In Context

President Donald Trump said the impeachment inquiry should be “case over” because Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters “very strongly that President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong.” But that’s not what Zelensky said.

Did Obama Fire All Bush-Appointed Ambassadors?

Did Obama Fire All Bush-Appointed Ambassadors?

Q: Did President Barack Obama immediately fire all Bush-appointed ambassadors “the day he was elected office”?
A: No. As is the custom, Obama immediately replaced most — not all — of Bush’s politically appointed ambassadors. Obama did not remove any of the career appointees to ambassadorships.

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

Trump Repeats False Ukraine Claims

President Donald Trump called into “Fox & Friends” a day after the impeachment hearings ended and repeated false statements that have been debunked by fact-checkers and, in some cases, members of his own administration.

Trump Cherry-Picks Sondland Testimony

Trump Cherry-Picks Sondland Testimony

President Donald Trump said he “turned off the television” after Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified that the president told him in a phone call, “I want nothing [from Ukraine]. I want no quid pro quo.” But Sondland had a lot more to say than that.

Trump Misquotes Pelosi

Trump Misquotes Pelosi

In an early morning tweet, President Donald Trump falsely attributed a quote to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The quote was actually a Fox News reporter’s characterization of Pelosi’s words. Trump then distorted what she actually said.

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Scalise Spins Facts on Security Aid

Rep. Steve Scalise spun two keys facts about Ukrainian aid to defend President Donald Trump against accusations that Trump withheld that aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate the alleged Ukraine interference in the 2016 U.S. election, as well as former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.