President Donald Trump used a truncated quote from Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer to falsely suggest that Steyer thinks “Democrats are going to destroy the economy in 15 minutes if they get in control.” That was Steyer paraphrasing Trump.
Stories by Robert Farley
Deputy Editor,
FactChecking the January Democratic Debate
Video: FactChecking Trump’s Iran Address
Pelosi Did Not ‘Defend’ Soleimani
FactChecking Trump’s Iran Address
Biden’s Position on Osama bin Laden Raid
FactChecking the December Democratic Debate
The Whoppers of 2019
Trump Renews Unfounded Claim on Debate Mic
Another Dubious Trump Attack on ‘Fake News’
President Trump accused CNN of manipulating video to make it appear that “massive crowds” protested his decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. But we couldn’t find any CNN video that had been manipulated in the ways Trump claimed, and the White House didn’t provide any evidence, either.