The president distorted the facts on congressional subpoenas, trade, Syria and more during a busy day of public appearances.
Stories by Robert Farley
FactChecking the October Democratic Debate
Trump’s Misguided Tweet on California Gasoline Prices
Trump’s Claims About Hunter Biden in China
Fact: Trump TV Ad Misleads on Biden and Ukraine
With its candidate the subject of an impeachment inquiry, President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign has gone on the offensive with a TV ad that claims to present the “facts” about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Ukraine. In fact, the ad relies on speculation and unsupported accusations to mislead viewers.
Q&A on Intelligence Community Whistleblower
O’Rourke Not Alone in Support of Mandatory Buyback
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has faced backlash from Republicans, and some Democrats, for his debate-night advocacy of a mandatory buyback program for so-called assault weapons. But Sen. Chuck Schumer went too far when he said, “I don’t know of any other Democrat who agrees with Beto O’Rourke.”
Video: Tapper on Trump’s Smear of Omar
In this week’s fact-checking video, CNN’s Jake Tapper examines a false tweet promoted by President Donald Trump that purports to show Rep. Ilhan Omar “partying” and “celebrating” on the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The video was actually from a Congressional Black Caucus event on Sept. 13.
Trump Retweets False Attack on Rep. Omar
Yang’s Top-Gun Tale
Making a point about Defense Department waste, Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang related a secondhand story about a Navy fighter pilot who said that airmen routinely dumped fuel into the Pacific Ocean at the end of the fiscal year as a way to preserve the following year’s fuel budget. But the story doesn’t add up.