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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

The Cost of ‘Medicare-for-All’

The Cost of ‘Medicare-for-All’

Sen. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez say a “Koch brothers-funded study” shows “Medicare-for-all” would save money. But the study’s author say they are misrepresenting his work.

Trump Tower, Collusion and the Law

Trump Tower, Collusion and the Law

In a recent tweet, President Donald Trump said the Trump Tower meeting was “to get information on an opponent” and was “totally legal and done all the time in politics.” Some legal experts disagree.

A Rally Filled with Repeats

A Rally Filled with Repeats

Trump’s August speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, was packed with familiar factual distortions.

Trump’s Mixed Messages on Russian Meddling

Trump’s Mixed Messages on Russian Meddling

President Donald Trump thanked Fox News for airing a montage on July 19 that he said showed “Trump recognized Russian Meddling MANY TIMES.” But the video also shows Trump equivocating on the issue.

Ocasio-Cortez Wrong on Cause of Low Unemployment

Ocasio-Cortez Wrong on Cause of Low Unemployment

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic nominee for New York’s 14th Congressional District, wrongly claimed that the low U.S. unemployment rate was “because everyone has two jobs.” The number of people holding more than one job has no bearing on the unemployment rate.

FactChecking Russian President Putin

FactChecking Russian President Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin made several false and misleading claims during his press conference in Finland with President Donald Trump and in an interview with Fox News.

Trump Inflates GDP Growth

Trump Inflates GDP Growth

In an interview with The Sun in England, President Donald Trump claimed “the GDP since I’ve taken over has doubled and tripled.” It hasn’t. Not even close.

Trump’s False Claims at NATO

Trump’s False Claims at NATO

At the NATO summit in Brussels, President Donald Trump made several false statements about the defense spending of the member countries.

Calls to Abolish ICE Not ‘Open Borders’

Calls to Abolish ICE Not ‘Open Borders’

Despite President Donald Trump’s repeated claims, Democrats are not advocating open borders, not even the ones who are calling to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement.