President Donald Trump is proud of his economic record, and he points to some key economic indicators with great delight. But he doesn’t always stick to the facts out on the campaign trail when he talks to his supporters.
Stories by Robert Farley
Deputy Editor,
Sinema’s Taliban Comment in Context
Misleading Ads from the DCCC
FactChecking Trump’s ‘60 Minutes’ Interview
Misleading Ads from Leading GOP PAC
FactChecking Trump’s Medicare Op-Ed
Trump’s Escalating Exaggerations on Blumenthal
Trump Repeatedly Wrong on Ford’s Testimony
FactChecking Trump on Trade
Trump Wrong on Mexico’s VAT
President Donald Trump wrongly said that “nobody from this country knew” about Mexico’s value-added tax until after NAFTA was signed. A deputy U.S. trade representative at the time NAFTA was put in place said: “US policymakers, embassy officials and tax authorities were fully aware of Mexico’s VAT system.”