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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump’s Coal Spin

Trump’s Coal Spin

President Donald Trump touted the opening of a new coal mine in Pennsylvania as evidence that his administration is “putting the miners back to work.” But construction of the mine in question began before the 2016 election. And experts say it’s not evidence of a resurgence in coal mining.

The Comey Hearing

The Comey Hearing

After former FBI Director James Comey testified about his private conversations with President Donald Trump regarding the agency’s Russia investigation, the president’s lawyer gave a brief statement that contained inaccurate and disputed claims.

Trump’s Tweets Twist Facts

Trump’s Tweets Twist Facts

In the wake of another terrorist attack in Britain, President Donald Trump fired off several tweets about the need for his court-blocked travel ban, contradicting statements from members of his own administration and distorting the facts in the process.

FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech

FactChecking Trump’s Climate Speech

In announcing that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, a global accord aimed at addressing climate change, President Donald Trump made more than a few false and misleading claims.

Double-Counting Growth

Double-Counting Growth

The president’s budget counts on economic growth to reach a balance, but his tax cut plan also relies on that growth to remain revenue-neutral. Tax and budget experts say that’s double-counting the same money.

Special Counsel Q&A

Special Counsel Q&A

On May 17, the Justice Department announced the appointment of former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III as special counsel to investigate any possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government’s efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Trump vs. Comey

Trump vs. Comey

The president and the former FBI director have offered conflicting accounts of private conversations that they had about the FBI investigation of the Trump campaign.

Trump’s ‘Nothing to See Here’ Spin

Trump’s ‘Nothing to See Here’ Spin

The Trump administration has offered some “nothing to see here” spin in response to the president’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. But President Donald Trump and White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders have twisted some facts to fit that narrative.

Republican Health Care Spin

Republican Health Care Spin

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and House Speaker Paul Ryan engaged in partisan spin in talking about the Republican health care bill that was passed by the House last week.

Is Congress Exempt from GOP Health Bill?

Is Congress Exempt from GOP Health Bill?

Q: Does the new GOP health care bill apply to members of Congress and their families?

A: For procedural reasons, the bill passed by House Republicans exempted lawmakers from some of its effects. But a stand-alone bill passed unanimously would do away with that exemption if the legislation becomes law.