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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Carson Botches Military Eligibility Statistic

Carson Botches Military Eligibility Statistic

Ben Carson erroneously said that 71 percent of 17- to 24-year-olds who apply for voluntary military service “are rejected for physical, mental or educational reasons, the vast majority being educational reasons.”

Kasich’s Post-Cold War Defense Cuts

Kasich’s Post-Cold War Defense Cuts

A pro-Jeb Bush super PAC says John Kasich “voted with Nancy Pelosi to cut troop levels and military funding.” That’s true. But those votes came at a time when the debate was not whether to reduce troops or defense spending, but by how much.

Ad Attacks Cruz as ‘Weak’ on Defense

Ad Attacks Cruz as ‘Weak’ on Defense

An ad from a conservative advocacy group attacks Sen. Ted Cruz as “weak” on defense, but makes several misleading claims to back up that assessment.

Is Kasich ‘Worst’ on Spending?

Is Kasich ‘Worst’ on Spending?

Pro-Jeb Bush ads rely on skewed data to falsely label Ohio Gov. John Kasich as having the “worst rating on spending of any governor in the country, Republican or Democrat.”

Trump Retweets Bogus Fox Graphic

Trump Retweets Bogus Fox Graphic

Republican front-runner Donald Trump retweeted a bogus graphic that purports to show Fox News host Megyn Kelly posing with Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal and his sister. The image is fake.

Distorting Kasich’s Tax Plan

Distorting Kasich’s Tax Plan

An ad from a conservative group attacks Ohio Gov. John Kasich as an “Obama Republican,” and misleadingly claims his budget “raised taxes by billions, hitting businesses hard and the middle class even harder.” The ad only tells half the story.

Players Guide 2016

Players Guide 2016

Today we are debuting our Players Guide 2016, a feature on the groups seeking to influence the 2016 federal elections.

Cruz on Birthright Citizenship

Cruz on Birthright Citizenship

Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump have all wrongly attacked rival Ted Cruz for flip-flopping on birthright citizenship since his run for Senate in 2011. Cruz has consistently opposed the policy.