Politicians have offered confusing and conflicting information on guns in the wake of the San Bernardino shootings and President Obama’s announced plans for tighter gun controls.
Hillary Clinton and a man from an environmental group sparred about whether she had taken money from the fossil fuel industry. Campaigns are prohibited from taking money directly from corporations, but Clinton has received donations from employees of oil and gas companies.
In one of the more memorable exchanges of the Republican debate, Sen. Marco Rubio said he was “puzzled” by Sen. Ted Cruz’s attacks on his immigration position, because Cruz himself “supports[s] legalizing people who are in this country illegally.”
Q: Did Donald Trump tell People magazine in 1998 that if he ever ran for president, he’d do it as a Republican because “they’re the dumbest group of voters in the country” and that he “could lie and they’d still eat it up”? A: No, that’s a bogus meme.
Trump retweeted a bogus graphic purporting to show the percentage of whites killed by blacks and other homicide data delineated by race. Almost every figure in the graphic is wrong.
Donald Trump says he’s “never eating another Oreo again” because its parent company is “closing a factory in Chicago and they’re moving to Mexico.” Some Oreo production is moving to Mexico, but a downsized Chicago plant will remain.
Donald Trump says the issue has been “fully vetted now” and he was right all along: It would not take a constitutional amendment to end the practice of extending automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. of parents in the country illegally.