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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Trump Challenges Birthright Citizenship

Trump Challenges Birthright Citizenship

Donald Trump says the issue has been “fully vetted now” and he was right all along: It would not take a constitutional amendment to end the practice of extending automatic citizenship to children born in the U.S. of parents in the country illegally.

Trump vs. Fiorina: Who Knows Putin Best?

Trump vs. Fiorina: Who Knows Putin Best?

Donald Trump implied he had met Russian President Vladimir Putin while taping an episode of “60 Minutes.” The two were interviewed separately, in different countries. Carly Fiorina said she met Putin “in a private meeting.” It was before a conference.

Bush on Senate Opponents’ Records

Bush on Senate Opponents’ Records

Jeb Bush derided the legislative accomplishments of GOP primary rivals, Sens. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, saying they “have a combined two bills that became law that they’ve sponsored.” True, but he ignores the way things work in the Senate.

Trump’s Bogus Boast on Ford

Trump’s Bogus Boast on Ford

Donald Trump took multiple bows for getting Ford to change its plans to build new manufacturing facilities in Mexico. The problem: Ford says it hasn’t changed its plans at all.

Bush Attacks Obama, With All Due Respect

Bush Attacks Obama, With All Due Respect

Jeb Bush claims that President Obama “believes that America’s leadership and presence in the world is not a force for good.” But we found 19 instances of Obama describing the U.S. as “a force for good,” or something very similar.

Trump ‘Hears’ Obama Wants to Take Guns

Trump ‘Hears’ Obama Wants to Take Guns

Donald Trump says he “heard” that President Obama “is thinking about signing an executive order where he wants to take your guns away,” claiming that he “read it in the papers.” None of the major newspapers in the country has reported that.

Clinton: Economy Better Under Democrats

Clinton: Economy Better Under Democrats

Hillary Clinton says the U.S. economy does better with a Democrat in the White House. But a report cited by her campaign as evidence doesn’t give credit to Democratic fiscal policies.

Cruz Misquotes Clapper on Refugees

Cruz Misquotes Clapper on Refugees

Ted Cruz misrepresented the words of the U.S. national intelligence director, claiming that James Clapper “said among those [Syrian] refugees are no doubt a significant number of ISIS terrorists.” Clapper didn’t say that.

Trump Attacks Bush on Sanctuary Cities

Trump Attacks Bush on Sanctuary Cities

Donald Trump says that “the state of Florida had sanctuary cities while Jeb Bush was governor,” and “nobody said anything.” But we could find no evidence that any Florida city or county fit the bill of a sanctuary city at that time, at least not officially.