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Deficits Falling (From Way Up)

Deficits Falling (From Way Up)

In recent speeches, President Obama has repeatedly claimed that “our deficits are falling at the fastest rate in 60 years.” That’s not true.

Spitzer Ad Doctors Headline

Spitzer Ad Doctors Headline

Newspaper stories are often used to misleading effect in political ads, but a new one-minute ad from New York City comptroller candidate Eliot Spitzer puts a twist on the theme by actually doctoring a New York Times headline.

Gohmert Piles Distortion Upon Distortion

Gohmert Piles Distortion Upon Distortion

Rep. Louie Gohmert went on Fox News and accused President Obama of a pattern of discrimination against Christians, particularly in the military, but many of his examples were false, distorted or incomplete.

Bachmann Cries Wolf

Bachmann Cries Wolf

Rep. Michele Bachmann ginned up a bogus doomsday scenario for Republicans in 2014, falsely warning that President Obama would “wave his magic wand” to grant voting rights to newly legalized immigrants if Congress passes an immigration bill that includes a path to citizenship.

Pelosi Parsing Words on ‘Employer Mandate’

Pelosi Parsing Words on ‘Employer Mandate’

Nancy Pelosi was playing a semantic word game when she claimed there “was not a delay of the mandate for the businesses” in the new health care law. That was in fact the effect of a decision announced recently by the Treasury.

The Facts on CBO’s Immigration Report

The Facts on CBO’s Immigration Report

Two senators opposed to the Gang of Eight immigration bill are telling only half the story with their claims that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office warned the bill would be bad for wages and unemployment.

Parting Shots in Massachusetts

Parting Shots in Massachusetts

In the closing days of the Massachusetts Senate race, the campaign rhetoric has been marred by partial truths.

Outside Attacks in Massachusetts

Outside Attacks in Massachusetts

New ads from outside Democratic groups attacking Massachusetts Senate candidate Gabriel Gomez distort his positions on Social Security and taxes.

The Immigration Bill’s ‘$6.3 Trillion Price Tag’

The Immigration Bill’s ‘$6.3 Trillion Price Tag’

Critics of a bipartisan Senate bill to overhaul the nation’s immigration system falsely claim that it will cost an additional $6.3 trillion, citing a study by a conservative group that opposes the bill.

Checking on Background Checks

Checking on Background Checks

An ad from Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns accuses Sen. Jeff Flake of breaking a promise to strengthen background checks because he voted against a bill that would have expanded background checks.