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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Checking on Background Checks

Checking on Background Checks

An ad from Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns accuses Sen. Jeff Flake of breaking a promise to strengthen background checks because he voted against a bill that would have expanded background checks.

Republican Overreach on IRS

Republican Overreach on IRS

While there has been plenty to find fault with in the revelation that the IRS targeted some tea party groups seeking tax exempt status, some of the Republican rhetoric has been an overreach.

9/11 Hijackers and Student Visas

9/11 Hijackers and Student Visas

Lawmakers on both sides of the immigration debate have falsely claimed that “some” or “all” of the 9/11 hijackers were in the U.S. on student visas. Only one of the 19 hijackers came to the U.S. on a student visa. The rest arrived here on tourist or business visas.

Debatable Facts in South Carolina

Debatable Facts in South Carolina

In a spirited debate between South Carolina congressional candidates Elizabeth Colbert Busch and Mark Sanford, we found a couple of misleading statements — and one seemingly contradictory exchange about Sanford’s voting record that isn’t.

GOP Hits Turbulence with FAA Claim

GOP Hits Turbulence with FAA Claim

A number of Republicans are using misleading numbers when they say the Federal Aviation Administration should cut consultants and travel before resorting to furloughs that are causing airport delays.

Rubio’s Immigration Evolution

Rubio’s Immigration Evolution

Sen. Marco Rubio claimed during a Sunday talk show interview that the immigration bill he is pushing is not a change of position for him since his 2010 campaign. But it is.

Cornyn’s ‘False’ Rhetoric

Cornyn’s ‘False’ Rhetoric

Sen. John Cornyn alleged President Obama has told the families of Newtown shooting victims that the Republican party “doesn’t really care about their loss.” But Obama never actually said that.

Spinning Obama’s Budget

Spinning Obama’s Budget

Both parties are putting political spin on the deficit reduction contained in President Obama’s $3.78 trillion budget plan.

Gun Rights Group’s Aim Is Way Off

Gun Rights Group’s Aim Is Way Off

A conservative gun rights group is going after three congressmen with “A” ratings from the National Rifle Association by falsely claiming they support President Obama’s gun control agenda.

Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

Bachmann Bungles Benghazi, Food Stamps

Rep. Michele Bachmann used misleading and at times wildly inaccurate portrayals of two key domestic and foreign policy issues — food stamps and the response to an attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya — to paint President Obama as someone who doesn’t “care.”

Her account of the White House response to the Benghazi attack included unsubstantiated claims, distortions of omission and outright factual errors, including the bogus claim that Glen Doherty “defied orders” to help colleagues under attack.