A story circulating on social media deceptively claims “Bad Things Are Happening in PA.” It overstates the significance of a video that shows a Republican poll watcher being denied access to a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day, and it falsely claims that there was an illegal political sign at another city location.
Stories by Saranac Hale Spencer
Staff Writer, FactCheck.org
Video Doesn’t Show Voter Fraud in Utah
Can You Change Your Vote? Probably Not.
Misleading Messages on Gasoline Prices
Eric Trump misleadingly claimed on social media that gasoline was $5 per gallon “under O’Biden,” but “unbelievably good” during his father’s administration. The average retail price of gasoline while Barack Obama was president was $2.97. The average price under President Donald Trump has been $2.49, which includes lower prices due to the pandemic.
FactChecking the Final 2020 Presidential Debate
Bogus Claims of Debate Moderator Bias
Trump’s Long History With Conspiracy Theories
FactChecking Biden’s Town Hall
Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs Killed
Meme Spreads Misinformation on Presidential Endorsements
A widely shared meme misrepresents Joe Biden’s endorsements. Biden hasn’t been endorsed by antifa or the Black Lives Matter organization, though BLM co-founders support him. And while President Donald Trump has been endorsed by the major law enforcement groups, Biden has received the backing of some law enforcement officials.