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Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs Killed

Conspiracy Theory Baselessly Claims Biden Had Navy SEALs Killed

A viral conspiracy theory spread across social media baselessly claims former Vice President Joe Biden “had SEAL Team 6 killed” as part of a cover-up after a purportedly failed assassination of Osama bin Laden. President Donald Trump shared the unfounded theory on Twitter.

Meme Spreads Misinformation on Presidential Endorsements

Meme Spreads Misinformation on Presidential Endorsements

A widely shared meme misrepresents Joe Biden’s endorsements. Biden hasn’t been endorsed by antifa or the Black Lives Matter organization, though BLM co-founders support him. And while President Donald Trump has been endorsed by the major law enforcement groups, Biden has received the backing of some law enforcement officials.

Video Shows Arrest at a Protest, Not a Church Service

Video Shows Arrest at a Protest, Not a Church Service

A tweet, shared by President Donald Trump, mischaracterizes a video that purports to show “Americans being ARRESTED for holding outdoor church services.” The video actually shows a demonstration in Idaho against a public health order regarding COVID-19 requirements held by a church in a city hall parking lot.

Baseless Online Claims Target Biden Ahead of First Debate

Baseless Online Claims Target Biden Ahead of First Debate

Unsubstantiated posts spreading on Facebook and Twitter claim former Vice President Joe Biden “got tonight’s debate questions in advance” and that he will be wearing an earpiece. There is no evidence for either assertion.

Brad Parscale’s Suicide Threat Sparks Conspiracy Claims

Brad Parscale’s Suicide Threat Sparks Conspiracy Claims

Social media accounts that boost conspiracy theories make a baseless claim that the Clintons were involved in a recent incident at the home of Brad Parscale, President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager. The police report describes a domestic dispute during which Parscale threatened suicide.

Biden Was Looking at a TV Screen, Not a Teleprompter

Biden Was Looking at a TV Screen, Not a Teleprompter

A clip from a television interview with former Vice President Joe Biden is circulating online with the false claim that he is reading from a teleprompter. Actually, Biden was looking at a screen showing a viewer’s question before he looks at the interviewer in the room with him.

Contrary to Viral Claim, Trump OK’d Aid for California Fires

Contrary to Viral Claim, Trump OK’d Aid for California Fires

Facebook posts claim that President Donald Trump has withheld aid from California to fight wildfires, while offering help to Russia. That’s a rehash of a controversy in 2019, when Trump threatened to withhold aid from California, while offering help to Russia. The Trump administration has provided federal assistance to California for the recent wildfires.