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Nuremberg Code Addresses Experimentation, Not Vaccines

Nuremberg Code Addresses Experimentation, Not Vaccines

A bogus claim that “[v]accines are in direct violation of The Nuremberg Code” has been circulating on social media. Actually, the Nuremberg Code addresses the treatment of human subjects in medical experiments and says nothing about the use of tested and approved vaccines on patients.

Two Former Officers Involved in Floyd’s Death Are Not In-Laws

Two Former Officers Involved in Floyd’s Death Are Not In-Laws

Contrary to social media posts, Kellie Chauvin, the estranged wife of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the death of George Floyd, is not the sister of Tou Thao, another former officer involved in the events that led to Floyd’s death, according to Kellie Chauvin’s lawyer.

Year-Old Biden Spoof Emerges Anew

Year-Old Biden Spoof Emerges Anew

A year-old video spoof that manipulated a television interview to make former Vice President Joe Biden appear incoherent recently has been circulating on social media. But many of those who are posting the video have not disclosed that it was edited and intended as satire.

COVID-19 Isn’t Caused by Bacteria

COVID-19 Isn’t Caused by Bacteria

False information that claims COVID-19 is caused by a bacteria and can be easily treated started spreading by text message, and is now viral on social media. Actually, COVID-19 is caused by a virus and there is no treatment for it.

Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context

An outdated video clip of Dr. Anthony Fauci is circulating on social media — giving the false impression he is currently advising the public not to wear face masks. Fauci, like other health officials, recommends wearing a cloth face covering when distances of at least six feet can’t be maintained.

Treason Conviction Wouldn’t Erase Presidential Actions

Treason Conviction Wouldn’t Erase Presidential Actions

Social media posts targeting former President Barack Obama suggest he will be tried for “treason” and falsely claim that if convicted his title would be “stripped away” along with all his presidential actions.  There’s no support for the claim he’ll be tried for treason, and it’s untrue that any former president’s actions would be undone after such a conviction.

The Falsehoods of the ‘Plandemic’ Video

The Falsehoods of the ‘Plandemic’ Video

The first installment of a documentary called “Plandemic” stormed through social media this week. But the viral video weaves a grand conspiracy theory by using a host of false and misleading claims about the novel coronavirus pandemic and its origins, vaccines, treatments for COVID-19, and more.

CDC Hasn’t ‘Reduced’ COVID-19 Death Toll

CDC Hasn’t ‘Reduced’ COVID-19 Death Toll

Claims on social media have been spreading the falsehood that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention significantly lowered the COVID-19 death toll. There has been no such reduction. These claims confuse two different measures of the number of deaths.

Legislative History of CARES Act Doesn’t Prove COVID-19 Conspiracy

Legislative History of CARES Act Doesn’t Prove COVID-19 Conspiracy

Social media posts falsely claim that the CARES Act was introduced Jan. 24, 2019 to perpetuate the falsehood that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned or known about in advance. The CARES Act was introduced March 25 as a substitute amendment, replacing the title and language of an older, unrelated bill.