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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Meme Misleads on Hospital Visits to Children With COVID-19

Meme Misleads on Hospital Visits to Children With COVID-19

A viral meme suggests that children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the U.S. and U.K. can’t be visited by a parent. Hospital policies have become generally more restrictive, but pediatric patients are still allowed visits by at least one parent.

Martial Law Isn’t ‘Imminent’

Martial Law Isn’t ‘Imminent’

Viral social media posts and videos have falsely claimed that “martial law [is] imminent” in the U.S. Those bogus reports are being pushed in some cases by those who sell emergency and survivalist products.

Death Quote Wrongly Attributed to Trump

Death Quote Wrongly Attributed to Trump

Social media posts are spreading a quote falsely attributed to President Donald Trump about the coronavirus. He didn’t say, “People are dying who have never died before.” But Ernest Hemingway did.

False Claims of Nationwide Lockdown for COVID-19

False Claims of Nationwide Lockdown for COVID-19

The National Security Council is warning Americans of a “FAKE” rumor circulating on social media that falsely claims President Donald Trump will impose a nationwide “mandatory quarantine.”

Viral Biden Video Is Deceptively Edited

Viral Biden Video Is Deceptively Edited

A deceptively edited clip of Joe Biden makes it look like he endorsed President Donald Trump. Actually, he said that Trump would be re-elected if Democrats wage a negative campaign.

COVID-19 Tests Don’t Cost Over $3,000

COVID-19 Tests Don’t Cost Over $3,000

A meme with the false claim that “[t]he US is charging over $3,000 per test” for patients who may have COVID-19 has been circulating on social media. For now, the two agencies authorized to test for the illness are not billing patients.

Accounting for Net Worth of Trump, Clintons and Obamas

Accounting for Net Worth of Trump, Clintons and Obamas

A meme circulating on Facebook claims without evidence that Hillary Clinton has made $95.5 million since she ran for president in 2016, and falsely implies that she and former President Barack Obama enriched themselves by “steal[ing] your money.”