Questionable websites and social media posts claim — without evidence — that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch’s net worth is as high as $23 million. According to her most recent financial disclosure, Yovanovitch has an estimated net worth of between $1.3 million and $3.3 million.
Stories by Saranac Hale Spencer
Staff Writer,
Donald Trump and New York’s Veterans Day Parade
Old Meme Misinforms on CHIP Funding
Blowing the Whistle on a Misinforming Meme
Bogus Warren Quote Ignites Immigration Anger
Meme Falsely Claims Obama Released al-Baghdadi
Headlines Spin Ukrainian Donations to Clinton Charity
Misleading Narrative About a Supposed ‘Ukrainian Arms Dealer’
An online story says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff “are both connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer” through a 2013 fundraiser. But the supposed “Ukrainian arms dealer” owns a California company that primarily develops airships, including for the U.S. government. He has donated to both parties — not just the Democrats.
Social Media Skews NYC Anti-Discrimination Law
Memes and videos misrepresent a New York City law by suggesting that everyone in the city will be “banned” from using the term “illegal alien,” or face a $250,000 fine. Actually, the city has only clarified that immigration status can’t be used to discriminate against people in certain situations under a decades old law.