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A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center

Exaggerated Claims About Girl Scout Cookies

Exaggerated Claims About Girl Scout Cookies

A viral meme claims that Girl Scout cookies support Planned Parenthood, but the organization says it has no “relationship or partnership with Planned Parenthood.”

Meme Pins False Claim On Lou Dobbs

Meme Pins False Claim On Lou Dobbs

Despite claims made in a viral meme, Lou Dobbs of Fox Business Network has not reported that “Mexican drug cartels are paying Pelosi and Schumer millions to keep border open.”

Blackface Photo Doesn’t Show Clintons

Blackface Photo Doesn’t Show Clintons

A photo of two people, one of whom is in blackface, has been circulating online for years with the unfounded claim that it shows Bill and Hillary Clinton. A Twitter user said he posted the photo in 2015, even though he had no evidence it was the Clintons, to “stir interest.”

Bibles Aren’t Required for the Oath of Office

Bibles Aren’t Required for the Oath of Office

Q: Did the Supreme Court rule that it is illegal to take the oath of office with anything but the Bible?

A: No. That is a made-up claim that originated on a self-described satirical website.