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Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again

Fake Pelosi Tweet Pops Up Again

Q: Did Nancy Pelosi say, “I am disgusted with ‘President’ Trump allowing people to keep more of the money they earn”?

A: No. That was a made-up tweet that has been circulating since December 2017.

Viral Photo Doesn’t Show Soros with Ford

Viral Photo Doesn’t Show Soros with Ford

Q: Is there a photo circulating online that shows Christine Blasey Ford with George Soros? 

A: No. The woman featured in the viral photo with Soros isn’t Ford.

Phony Schumer Sex Scandal Rebooted

Phony Schumer Sex Scandal Rebooted

Q: Did Sen. Chuck Schumer have an affair with a 16-year-old girl?

A: No. That claim was originally made up by a self-described satirical website, but has been circulating on right-wing social media accounts as though it happened.

Falsehoods About Ford

Falsehoods About Ford

In the days after Christine Blasey Ford came forward to describe an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when they were teenagers, a series of falsehoods about the woman circulated online, questioning her credibility and motives.

Fake Biden Photo Reappears

Fake Biden Photo Reappears

Q: Is there a photo of former Vice President Joe Biden groping a woman’s chest?

A: No. A Christmas party photo from 2013 has been altered to appear that he did.

False Claims About Kavanaugh’s Mom and Foreclosure

False Claims About Kavanaugh’s Mom and Foreclosure

Q: Is Christine Blasey Ford accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault as retribution for her parents’ foreclosure case in the 1990s?

A: There is no evidence to support that claim, and her parents still live in that house.

The Fake Podesta Email That’s Still Circulating

The Fake Podesta Email That’s Still Circulating

Q: Did WikiLeaks release an email showing that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign bribed prominent Republicans to oppose Donald Trump during the 2016 election?

A: No. That email was fabricated by a self-described satirical website. It was later amplified by Sean Hannity and published by other websites.

Partisan Site Revives Old Pence Controversy

Partisan Site Revives Old Pence Controversy

Q: Was “VP Mike Pence Busted Stealing Campaign Funds To Pay His Mortgage”?

A: He used campaign funds for personal expenses during his run for Congress in 1990, but the Federal Election Commission could not agree on whether he violated campaign finance laws.

Old Spin on Health Care Fraud Bust Returns

Old Spin on Health Care Fraud Bust Returns

Q: Were “412 Michigan Muslims arrested in fed’s ‘largest bust in U.S. history’”?

A: No. Only about 30 of those arrests were made in Michigan, and there is no evidence all of the individuals arrested were Muslim.